Sports fan? Gamer? EV enthusiast? The ABB FIA Formula E Championship,
the electric street racing series entering its fifth season, has something to capture
everyone’s imagination. The air around Formula E racing is filled with the high-pitched,
sci-fi sounds of powerful 100% electric motors. The crowd is in on the game, working
social media to give their favorite driver a 100 kJ energy boost. The races snake through
the streets of major cities with breathtaking backdrops from Hong Kong to Paris to New York.
The zero-emission race cars look similar to other single-seater racers, but there are huge differences.
For starters, there's no internal combustion engine. Instead, the same battery pack is supplied
to every team, while each team builds a motor, inverter, and gearbox to their own design.
Because electric motors deliver 100% torque instantaneously, these race cars have fierce acceleration.
The redesigned racers for the fifth season will go from 0–100 km/h (62 mph) in under
three seconds (2.8 seconds). And with a top speed of over 280 km/h (174 mph), they'll provide
plenty of thrills on the tight street courses.
In an interesting twist that upends traditional motorsports strategy, the upcoming 2018/19 season
will feature an activation zone that offers access to 225 kW of power – kW being the electric equivalent
of horsepower. With 200 kW in standard race-mode, this seems like an easy choice. However,
it will force teams and drivers to study race strategy more and put a focus on energy management.

Another unique aspect about Formula E: spectators have a hand in the competition.
With FANBOOST, fans use social media to vote for their favorite driver. The top three vote-getters
earn a 100 kJ of energy they can use. While fans start voting six days before the race,
voting stays open for the first six minutes of the race – meaning drivers won't know if they
have that extra power until they're in the heat of battle.
Of course, social media is a two-way street. When the payoff is a power boost that can propel
them past a rival, drivers and teams look at engaging with fans in a serious new light.
Answering fan questions and posting team videos is no longer just check-the-box marketing,
it's potentially the difference that will bring home a trophy. This kind of fan leverage may be
putting Formula E at the forefront of another revolution – equalizing the relationship
between player and fan.
A social media platform that gives fans a stake in the outcome has also undoubtedly helped
Formula E connect with a young demographic. While traditional motorsports are struggling
to attract this same audience, fans 13–24 now account for 49 percent of engagements
on the Formula E Facebook page.